Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The Dark Knight - Don't Come Home Without It!

For as long as my boyfriend and I have been together he has never really bought me flowers. That's ok. I'm not really the buy-me-flowers type of girl. Instead, Randy shows his love by buying me DVDs I want.

Last night I told him that he was not allowed to come home until he purchased The Dark Knight for me. I got a phone call from him before I left work. He told me that the places he had gone to had sold out of it, but that he was going to keep looking. He told me to just go home and he would be home when he found it.

Whenever Randy buys me a DVD he always comes up with clever ways to present it to me. One time he hid one in the glovebox of my car, another time he hid one in the visor of my car. There was another time he told me he couldn't afford to buy me what I wanted and when he was sure I was convinced of this, he pulled the DVD out of his backpack. Sometimes he runs out of ideas, like the time I came home and found one propped up against the TV.

Anyway, I pulled up to my house and noticed that he was already home. SUCCESS! However when I opened the door he was no where to be found. A couple seconds later, my dog Wanda comes running down the hall wearing her sweater. Attached to her was a present! What could it be?! Of course I knew what it was, but the way Randy presented my gift really just topped his other attempts at surprising me with DVDs.

I love him. He rocks and he is an awesome boyfriend.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

2 New Items Just Added to My Store!

I just added 2 new items to my store ( www.spookylane.etsy.com )

Jack Skellington's Nightmare Before Christmas Trinket Box and Gone Batty Gone Trinket Box. Stop by the store and check 'em out!

Monday, November 24, 2008

KLEMMFEST @ Hyaena Gallery

3 more sales this month!

I am stoked! I've made 3 more sales this month. 2 more on Etsy and one at Muddy Waters (where my art was still hanging for the Noche de Los Muertos show). I went to go pick up my pieces and was thrilled to find someone had bought another piece after the art reception.

Then I logged onto Etsy this morning to find I had made another sale yesterday. That makes a total of 4 sales this month! WEEEEEEEEEEEEE!! I am very excited. I have been working very hard on my store the last week or so and trying to promote my art more. It looks like its paying off.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The Black Cat is going to a new home

I really don't spend as much time on beefing up and promoting my Etsy store like I would like to. So whenever I make a sale its just such a wonderful feeling.

I sold The Black Cat piece I had made for a benefit show last February. I am very excited because I put a lot of time into the piece and I was disappointed when no one bought it. So now its finally going to a new home!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Slowing Down

My brain has slowed down and I am feeling burnt out again. I have a benefit show to do and I have 2 pieces to come up with. I am looking forward to it, but I think I need to give my brain a rest again. This happens every couple of months and it drives me crazy. I think I just need to refuel my mind. I am hoping my hiatus isn't as long as it was last time, but I definitely feel the need to rest for a bit.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Feeling Slightly Off Today

I got to work this morning not feeling that great. I really wanted to go home, but I am out of sick time and with the way the economy is, I can't really afford to lose a day's pay. I started feeling better, but it feels so surreal. I feel like my brain is on auto-pilot and that I checked out hours ago. I can't place my finger on what's bugging me. It could be a combination of things. The fact that my bf has been acting like invasion of the body snatchers lately doesn't help either. I really need to get away this weekend.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Finally here!

So after hearing so much about blogging, I finally decided to join. I have a Myspace, but I finally made my way here! I llok forward to reading blogs and meeting new people.